Becoming a leader is an ever-evolving journey, a way of life. It is a very personal journey filled with joy and challenge. Leadership is a calling, not only a profession, in your daily life, you must be intentional, preparing yourself with head, heart, and spirit to do the important work of leading.
You must be in constant pursuit of purpose, building your family and career around your definitions of purpose. Daily I am strategically focused on being in conscious pursuit of my purpose and leveraging this journey to the life I choose to live, and to inspire other women on the path to successful leadership.
As the President/CEO of Gwen, Inc. each day is spent helping leaders achieve professional and personal outcomes by focusing on the competencies of confidence, competence, courage, and calm. These competencies give leaders the cornerstones to building success, helping to achieve the purpose which defines your leadership.
If a woman desires to live “in and on” purpose she must begin this process by believing she is enough! Smart enough. Talented enough. Beautiful enough. Professional enough. Believing in yourself is what gives women the courage to consciously pursue their purpose.
Being a leader is A “total body” experience, a way of life you experience in both your professional and personal life. It is not for the weak of heart, but requires courage and determination, and support from many in your personal circle. Being a leader is an ever-evolving journey: defining your leadership philosophy, learning skills, building your legacy. It is all about focusing on following a personal leadership plan you create, and modify as you move through life and career. Being a leader is about you, who you are, how you inspire and relate to others, both personal and professional.
Women’s lives are busy and filled with distractions, and may make them feel lost and purposeless, useless feelings which add no value to life. I encourage women in these situations to pursue purpose as a way to regain direction and personal value. You must daily “live in and on purpose”, believing you have what it takes to be successful.
Read more like this in YOUR LEADERSHIP JOURNEY: Living and Leading In and On Purpose.