How do “everyday leaders” make a difference in business, communities, and the world?
I frequently ponder this question as I work with leaders to develop the philosophies, behaviors, and skills used daily in the workplace. I believe it is everyday women and men who truly make the difference in our community, state, country and world. Each day millions of people enter businesses, organizations, schools, churches, and homes pressured to be the leader who makes a difference. These “everyday leaders” use tenacity and persistence to ensure missions are advanced and goals are set. These everyday leaders make decisions that lead to improvements and innovations. These everyday leaders set a moral compass that inspires ethical behavior. These everyday leaders are people like you and I who truly change the world.
Many companies and organizations shove the newest leadership concept at their leaders hoping that this will somehow produce great results. This “flavor of the week” approach to leadership development is primarily an academic experience for everyday leaders. In our ongoing commitment to develop leaders, we must create spaces and places that allow leaders to tell the truth about leading in “real time.” New leadership concepts in books can provide a context for leadership but the authors aren’t in the workplace or community to support the translation of this reading into effective leadership action in the “trenches”.
As I work with everyday leaders I am learning what they most desire is an opportunity to be supported as they practice their profession. I’ve learned from them that leadership is not an exact science. Becoming an effective leader requires a willingness to step into a great experiment that is very dynamic. However, I notice those who find consistent congruence between values, beliefs, and actions create a rock-solid base from which great leadership grows.
- Everyday leaders want to network with each other. They know the isolation of leading and need to hear best practices from colleagues.
- Everyday leaders need an opportunity to process challenges and mistakes without being viewed as weak or incompetent.
- Everyday leaders want to discuss work-life balance as an issue affecting both women and men and find solutions that allow them to be successful at work and home.
- Everyday leaders think about their legacies and how to ensure that what they do today serves the success of those who will follow them in the future.
New concepts in books or seminars can encourage thinking about leadership development. Yet In the end, everyday leaders are women and men who simply arrive each day trying to be their best as they grow in the profession of leadership. It is important to celebrate their contributions and to provide consistent ongoing support for their good works. Everything really does rise and fall on leadership and we must ensure those who choose to lead in the community, state, country, and world know they are supported, respected, and honored for all they do each day. Onward and Upward leaders!
Read more like this in YOUR LEADERSHIP JOURNEY: Living and Leading In and On Purpose.