Transform Your Leadership

Gwen, Inc. specializes in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) services for individual leaders, companies, nonprofit organizations and educational institutions.

DEI Services for Companies and Individual Leaders

What next? This is a question that Gwen, Inc. clients ask of us as they contemplate how to move forward after anti-racism awareness discussions, declarations, and training. What can we change that will make a positive difference? How do we make these changes and how do we navigate the challenges that come with the organizational changes DEI initiatives will bring?

Gwen, Inc. specializes in working with clients at this stage of their DEI work. We know how to help clients move from idea to action, and from strategy to tactic. We have extensive experience in strategic planning for DEI initiatives and equal experience in implementing strategic plans and managing organizational change. These capabilities make Gwen, Inc. the ideal partner when your discussions have led to the conclusion that you want to ensure that your business goals and values permeate the organization.

gwen webber mcleod diversity equity inclusion facilitation

Gwen, Inc. does not have a canned or cookie cutter approach; instead, we draw on our expertise, our experience working with teams and groups, and a selection of activities, tools, and content that we have used successfully. Importantly, we seek to co-create the best approach in partnership with our clients so that our client’s capabilities are strengthened by doing the work with us in a creative and committed process.

We believe that DEI initiatives are a special kind of organizational change project, and as such, Gwen, Inc. We begin engagements by “getting smart” on what you have accomplished thus far, working together to define specific and achievable outcomes, and then crafting an approach that will help you achieve your goals. Supporting that premise is over 45 years of experience in creating and sustaining organizational improvements that deliver measurable results.

Gwen, Inc. engages in DEI work with strategic intent. Without exception, our desired outcome is to ensure the services we provide yield feasible, strategic, sustainable, and transformative outcomes for our clients. 

At the root of our work are two key philosophies:

Importantly, Gwen Webber-McLeod is among a small group of Black women President/CEOs in the leadership development industry. As a Black woman-owned business her company is consciously diverse by design. Gwen and her Consulting Partners are activists in different ways and are engaged across all business sectors. Gwen has a bias: she seeks to make improvements with and for clients and subscribes to the notion of continuous improvement in ourselves and our clients. This is who we are and who will be in the room with you, should we have the honor of being chosen to provide DEI Strategy Consulting to your company.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Services

Gwen, Inc. engages in DEI work with strategic intent to ensure the services we provide yield feasible, strategic, sustainable, and transformative outcomes for our clients. 

The following Gwen, Inc. services assist clients in the design and implementation of DEI initiatives that add value to the achievement of a company’s overarching business goals.

Gwen, Inc. specializes in executive coaching for Black women executive leaders under the trademarked brand The Unexpected Leader®. This concept recognizes the unique experiences Black women have as they lead at the intersection of race, gender, and leadership. Specifically, Black women leaders navigate the following dynamics when hired or promoted to positions that cause them to shatter the glass/cement ceiling:

  • Being the First Only and Different- Unexpected Leaders simultaneously make history and deal with the isolation of being the only or one of a few Black woman executive leaders in a company or organization.
  • Gaining and Sustaining Credibility – Unexpected Leaders are always qualified and exceed expectations. Yet they struggle to be experienced as credible leaders due to unchecked racism, sexism, implicit bias and microaggressions.
  • Legacy Building – Unexpected Leaders realize their historical hirings are often done from a perspective of risk management. Given this they are highly aware that perceptions of their effectiveness set the tone for whether other Black women leaders have access to executive positions and opportunities.

The experience of unexpectedness serves as a backdrop to this executive coaching engagement. Thriving through these dynamics requires Black women leaders to develop philosophies, skills, and behaviors of effective leadership. This calls for being grounded in a strong personal mission, vision, values, goals, and specific leadership skills.

Unexpected Leader executive coaching is a blended approach that includes leadership profile assessment, executive coaching, leadership consultation and technical assistance support. These services support individual leaders in addressing topics or issues impacting the ability to lead effectively; both personally and professionally. Topics are identified by the client in partnership with Gwen. Gwen Webber-McLeod works with clients during sessions to identify strategies for addressing each topic.

Companies, nonprofit organizations and educational institutions desire to find ways to demonstrate commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of their work. Gwen, Inc. uses an organization development approach in offering professional facilitation to help achieve this outcome.

Professional facilitation services offered include:

  • Creating strategic framework documents to guide decision making about diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Design and facilitation of topic specific diversity, equity and inclusion business discussions for leaders charged with implementing diversity, equity and inclusions initiatives.
  • Assistance in creating advisory boards, employee relations groups or community conversations in support of achieving diversity equity and inclusion goals.

Executive briefings are two-hour educational sessions for executive leaders charged with leveraging outcomes of initial DEI initiatives to yield ongoing greater impact and outcomes in a company or organization. Executive briefings provide a high-level overview of best practices/topics our company recommends leaders focus on when transitioning to new phases of DEI work.

During this high energy interactive presentation, participants will discuss these and related topics:

  • Why Executive and Operational Leadership Matters in Diversity 2.0 Initiatives
  • Changing Demographics and Diversity 2.0 Initiatives
  • Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Workforce (Unexpected Leaders ®)
  • Success Strategies for Managing Diverse Teams
  • Company Strategies for Moving to DEI 2.0

Executive briefings are two-hour educational sessions for executive leaders charged with managing change to yield ongoing greater impact and outcomes in a company or organization. Executive briefings provide a high-level overview of best practices/topics our company recommends leaders focus on when managing a team through change.

During this high energy interactive presentation participants will discuss these and related topics:

  • The manager’s role in leading and supporting staff and the organization through change
  • The dynamics of imposed and chosen change and how they affect workplace teams
  • Specific strategies for helping the workplace team thrive during change
  • The attributes of an effective change agent and what this means to members of workplace teams
Executive briefings are two-hour educational sessions for executive leaders charged with building trust to yield ongoing greater impact and outcomes in a company or organization. Executive briefings provide a high-level overview of best practices/topics our company recommends leaders focus on to build high trust/high performing teams. During this high energy interactive presentation participants will discuss these and related topics:
  • Factors that lead to a low trust environment Behaviors of a high trust culture
  • Specific strategic priorities to create a high trust environment
  • Methods used to maintain a high trust environment to increase your company’s productivity
High-trust companies “are more than 2½ times more likely to be high performing revenue organizations” than low-trust companies. Interaction Associates 2015 Study According to Stephen M. R. Covey, when trust goes down (in a relationship, on a team, in an organization, or with a partner or customer), speed goes down and cost goes up. This is what he calls a “low-trust tax.” The inverse is equally true: when trust goes up, cost goes down, and speed goes up resulting in a “high-trust dividend.”

Leadership Coaching Services

Gwen, Inc. provides emerging and established leaders with safe, respectful, and confidential support as they work to become confident, competent, courageous, and calm leaders.
The Leadership Connection®​

Everything rises and falls on leadership. This is a core value at Gwen, Inc. We believe a team or company is only as effective as a leader’s ability to be experienced as a trusted colleague equipped with philosophies, skills, and behaviors to inspire teams to perform in ways that yield qualitative and quantitative outcomes for companies.

The Leadership Connection® is the division of Gwen, Inc. designed to provide services to individual leaders. There is significant data to support that emerging and established leaders will quietly flounder while attempting to lead teams. New leaders demonstrate capacity to manage tasks needed to achieve business goals. However, they often arrive at their positions as a result of technical ability or longevity, rather than their capacity to lead, manage, and inspire teams to function as high trust/high performing teams. Their technical skills did not extend to strategic relationship building necessary to motivate, mobilize, and inspire employees to perform. High trust relationships on teams is the X Factor to achieving a company’s overarching goals.

The Leadership Connection®: A Resource Centered on Great Leadership, delivers services to emerging and established leaders. It is open to any emerging or established leader desiring safe, respectful, confidential support as they work to confident, competent, courageous, and calm leaders. Leaders known for being highly trusted with capacity to ensure teams perform effectively in the achievement of a company’s goals.

Programs and services are offered to individuals, and leadership teams. Each service is tailored to the needs of each organization or business. What makes the Leadership Connection® unique is the one-stop access it provides to a team of seasoned professionals who are available to provide leadership development support to emerging and established leaders.

Each consultation for private or public business sectors, is tailored to meet the client’s specific needs. Gwen, Inc. consultants work in organizations supporting individual leaders and leadership teams with a unique focus on the use of shared leadership to achieve business goals. This consulting team has a demonstrated track record of success and is known for helping individuals become more effective as they lead. We are frequently engaged to:

  • Assist management teams in becoming more effective
  • Design and facilitate strategic business discussions
  • Design and facilitate strategic planning initiatives
  • Provide executive coaching/mentoring for executive leaders

Newly promoted leaders often flounder quietly while attempting to achieve business goals. They achieve promotion as a result of demonstrating technical ability or longevity in a company. Many have not been developed to create high trust team relationships that are foundational to leading, managing, and inspiring teams to perform. Technical skills do not extend to strategic relationship building necessary to motivate, mobilize, and inspire teams. Gwen, Inc. supports individual leaders charged with leading teams in moving from feelings of leadership inadequacy, to leading with confidence, competence, courage and calm. The following leadership education topics are presented in one-to-one leadership consultation, small group learning communities, and virtual work- sessions.

  • Claim Your Career: Be An Intentional Leader
  • Trust A Strategic Leadership Resource
  • Leading and Managing Change
  • Building and Sustaining High Trust/High Performing Teams
Gwen, Inc. consulting partners offer customized, one-on-one business coaching to emerging and established leaders. The mentoring/coaching relationship typically lasts for 3-6 months. Mentoring/coaching is available by appointment and based on specific leadership goals the client wants to achieve. Each session is confidential and scheduled for 1-2 hours.
Gwen, Inc. offers comprehensive Technical Assistance services designed to address a wide range of organizational challenges.
  • Meeting design
  • Employee issues
  • Career strategies
  • Communication strategies
  • Management team development
  • Processing organizational issues
  • Community/public relations
  • Special leadership learning events
  • Meyers Briggs Assessment
    • Gwen Webber-McLeod, President/CEO is certified to administer and interpret the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®). Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®), the most widely used personality assessment in the world. The MBTI assessment is used to develop individuals, teams, and organizations to meet today’s challenges in such areas as communication, team building, leadership, and career management.

Gwen’s Leadership Learning Communities are 3-part interactive leadership development experiences offered for individual leaders to learn together in a cohort model. Topics include:

  • Cultivating Individual Leadership
  • Effective Decision Making and Execution
  • Leading and Supporting Employees Through Change
  • Leading Effective Workplace Teams
  • Strategies for Leading in Difficult Times